I personally think that shopping for food is WAY more fun than shopping for, well, anything else. I'm constantly searching for new things to try, methods to attempt, and kitchen tools and gadgets. From Pinterest to food blogs to British baking shows, if it's tasty I want to make it. Here you will find some of the fruits of my labor, along with links to the recipes, and the most beloved cookbooks in my collection. If you have any suggestions at all, feel free to message me :)
"The kitchen's a laboratory, and everything that happens there has to do with science. It's biology, chemistry, physics. Yes, there's history. Yes, there's artistry. Yes, to all of that. But what happened there, what actually happened there, what actually happens to the food, is all science."
Alton Brown |
Click here for a list of links to the recipes I followed. Some I fiddled with a bit to my taste, but all were delicious!
My roomie, partner, and best friend all in one, Daniel. Our little family wouldn't be complete without our two cats, gray "Mad-Eye" Moody (Moo for short) and tabby Margaery (Margy). We adopted them in August 2014 from Centre County PAWS, an awesome shelter where I used to volunteer on the dog side.
Family and Friends
From high school to undergrad, the rowing team to my Resident Assistant team, and my "apartment roomies" as well, I've had some of the coolest friends a girl could hope to have. While I may have lost touch with some along the way, every one of them had an impact on my life and I love them all for it. And interspersed in the pictures below are a few pictures of my family, including the best dog EVER. I guess the family is pretty great too :)
So my undergrad crafting was limited to decorating my residence hall. Now in grad school it's a bit harder to find time for it, and I am still a bit green when it comes to making nice things, but I am trying haha.
growing things
I have always wanted to have a garden! Granted, it is a bit tough when you don't have yard space, but I am managing well for now. I typically stick to plants that can keep well indoors, herbs and things like that. We started a little growing nook on our new bookcase (see below). I also have some cat grass and catnip going (slowly becoming a crazy cat lady...) and we have a few African violets from Dan's parents. Hopefully next planting season I can get a planter box on my patio and start going on some vegetables!
I have loved reading since I was actually able to read, just ask my Momma. Our bookcase is a bit cluttered but this is our combined collection of books we love, haven't read yet, textbooks, notebooks, all kinds of ink on paper and every single one is treasured :)